Wingspan Vol.4. 1/32nd Scale Aircraft Modelling
Wingspan Vol.4. 1/32nd Scale Aircraft Modelling Book.
The fourth volume in this exciting series continues to showcase the popular 1:32 aircraft scale. The landscape format and large photos afford the opportunity to explore the models closely and to truly appreciate the level of detail achievable in this scale. Full-page close-ups and overall views are combined with step-by-step instructions to depict each model to its full potential.
Book Data
Authors & Modellers: Jan Kopecký, Ralph Riese, Anders Isaksson, Henrik Redin, Brian Criner, Tomás Banic, Mikael Terfors, Zdenek Sebesta, Oto Drobik, Toni Canfora
ISBN: 9789198477610
Language: English
Photos: 300+ colour photos
Pages: 128
Physical: Softcover, 290x210mm, landscape
Do-335 Pfeil
MIG-23 Flogger
Polikarpov I-16
F-5E Tiger II
P-51A Mustang
F-35 Lightning II
C-47 Dakota