Air Modeller Magazines
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***Out of Print*** Air Modeller 1
Sale Price:$14.99 Original Price:$15.99
G Spot
A rivetting project – adding detail to the 1:32nd scale Hasegawa Me-109 G14
The Last Mission
Ricardo Rodriguez models the Corsair IV of Lt Robert Gray VC the last Canadian to die in WWII
B25 G
Franck Oudin builds and improves the Accurate Miniatures kit
David Doyle looks at the development of this successful medium bomber
Xtreme Detail
Luciano Rodriguez builds the Tamiya kit from the box
Mk Vc Spitfire
Zdenek Sebesta decribes his incredible 1:72nd scale Spitfire
Marine Workhorse
Albert Tureczek shows how to get the best from the Academy CH-46 Sea Knight