Air Modeller 55
Chen Zexi describes his contest-winning small scale F-102A
Short S.8 Calcutta Part One
Megas Tsonos shares the techniques behind his stunning scratchbuilt
1:48 Calcutta flying boat.
MiG-21 MF
Eduards 1:48 kit is given the Zdenek Sebesta treatment.
RF-4B Phantom
Franck Oudin builds the reconnaissance version of the Phantom
using the Hasegawa 1:48 kit.
An Inglorious End Part One
A Crash-landed 1:32 B-17 would not be most peoples idea of starter project
but its what Richard Carrick chose to do with a vacform kit.
Big Bird B-17, Part 6
The Editor continues his build of HK Models spectacular 1:32 Flying Fortress.
Air Born
New releases.
Mosquito MkII Nightfighter
Paolo Portuesi tinkers with Tamiya’s 1:48 classic kit