AFV Modeller 42
Tag Team Puma
Jorge Alvear and Lester Plaskitt work together to get the best from the Dragon Puma
Spanish BMR 600 M1
Angel Ruiz Martinez de Medinilla scratchbuilds his own 1:35th scale Spanish APC
Spanish Legion BMR Vehicles in South Lebanon
Moustafa Assad presents pictures of the BMR on peacekeeping duty
Steel Beast Part Two
Ricardo Rodriguez concludes his project describing his painting processes
A Petit Panzer with a Punch
Chris Leeman builds an unusual late war vehicle
Mighty MAZ Part Two
Zachary Sex describes the painting of the Trumpeter MAZ 537 with BTS4A
Keeping Track
More new releases
Michael Mcdanal builds the Trumpeter Trailer and missile in Egyptian markings from the October War of 1973