AFV Modeller Magazine
AFV Modeller 69
Sale Price:$14.50 Original Price:$15.50
Don Steppe Gully
Alexander Zelenkov describes his Eastern Front diorama
Berlin 1945
The second part of Aitor Azkue’s stunning riverside diorama
New Zealand Special Air Service Humvee
Mark Neville describes his fully loaded Tamiya Humvee with AC Models conversion
Afghan Humvees
Patrick Winnepenninckx presents some modelling inspirtation and reference of
Humvees operating with Afghan forces
Sturer Emil
João Carrasco-Guerra builds Trumpeter’s 12.8cm Selbstfahrlafette L/61
Keeping Track
More new releases
Libyan Liberator
Meng Models Pick Up converted into an improvised rocket launcher by Kamil Sztarbala