AFV Modeller 72
‘America’s Tiger’
Liejon Schoot builds ‘712’ using Dragon’s Tiger I kit.
The IDF’s monster APC modelled in 1:35th scale by Ilya Yut.
AFV Modeller Get Together
A low key gathering of like minded modellers.
Tasca’s M32B1
Anders Isaksson’s build of the new Tasca M32 Armoured Recovery Vehicle.
‘Target Tortoise’ Part One: Deconstruction
David Parker builds the Meng A39 Tortoise as the Kirkcudbright range target.
Tiran 5 in South Lebanon – Walkaround
With the release of the new Tamiya Tiran kit we present a series pictures of 2 former South Lebanon Army Tiran tanks by Patrick Winnepenninckx.
Keeping Track
More new releases
Beobachtungspanzer III Ausf.H
Radek Pituch models a late WWII Artillery Observer using the old generation Dragon kit.