AFV Modeller 73
Objective Kharkov
Markus Eriksson describes his Panzer IV Ausf.G based on the Dragon kit.
M-51 Isherman
The Academy Super Sherman modelled by Dave Oliver
DIY Photoetch
Chris Meddings of Inside the Armour explains how to
design your own photoetched parts
“In der Falle” Part One
Robert Doepp describes how he built his 1:24 vignette
with the Tasca Zündapp KS 750m
Target Tortoise Part Two
The Editor’s interpretation of the Meng A-39 Tortoise concludes
with a look at the painting techniques.
Approach to Berlin
Radek Pituch describes his late War JS II and crew
Keeping Track
More new releases
Operation Frühlingserwachen – another defeat in the East
Franck Bazin creates an Image of Germany’s desperate struggle during
the closing stages of the War