Electronic Aggressors US Navy Electronic Threat Environment Squadrons Part One 1949-1977 Ginter 303
A Pictorial History of Composite Squadron ASW THIRTY-THREE (VC-33), Composite Squadron Night THIRTY-THREE (VC-33), Composite Squadron All Weather THIRTY-THREE (VC-33), Carrier Special Squadron Night THIRTY-THREE (VC-33), All Weather Attack Squadron THIRTY-THREE (VA(AW)-33), Air Early Warning Squadron THIRTY-THREE (VAW-33), Tactical Electronic Warfare Squadron THIRTY-THREE (VAQ-33), and Fleet Electronic Warfare Support Group (FEWSG).
The first in a two-book series, this volume covers Fleet Electronic Warfare Support Group's (FEWSG's) activities, vital to fleet training, but still unknown to many. Angelo Romano has done a superb job of writing the complete history of FEWSG, its units and their histories. In particular, Part One covers the history of VAQ-33 through its previous designations, VC-33, VA(AW)-33 and VAW-33, from 1949 to 1969, when the squadron mission ranged from Day & Night Attack with conventional weapons, Anti-Submarine Warfare (ASW), Electronic (or Electro-magnetic) Counter Measures (ECM), Target Towing, All-Weather Fighter and, when assigned to CVBs, Nuclear Weapons Delivery. With the establishment of FEWSG in 1969, VAQ-33 changed its mission to Electronic Warfare (EW) training.
Plenty of historical photos illustrate in detail the Squadron activities both at sea and ashore. These two books are dedicated to the women and men of the Electronic Aggressors.
218 pages, 544 photos (mostly color), 48 color profiles, 22 patches, 34 tables and graphs.