FH/F2H Banshee in action - Aircraft No. 182 (SS1182)
The F2H Banshee was developed from the FH-1 Phantom, the Navy's first fighter aircraft. Banshees were used as fighter-bomber and recon aircraft in Korea, and became the Navy's standard carrier-based all-weather fighter for much of the 1950s. The F2H-3 and F2H-4 were among the first Navy aircraft launched from the USS Hancock during initial tests of the new steam catapult. F-Fighter H-McDonnell (mfr). FEATURES: Includes information on all aspects of the FH/F2H Banshee aircraft. Filled with specifications, facts and photos, including a two-page color center section showing different markings and configurations.
Book is unsold and unread, but covers are very lightly shopworn and creased from years of storage.