Aircraft - USN & USMC Jet Aircraft
FROM BATS TO RANGERS A Pictorial History of Electronic Countermeasures Squadron Two (ECMRON-2) Fleet Air Reconnaissance Squadron Two (VQ-2) Ginter 302
Sale Price:$59.95 Original Price:$69.95
This Pictorial History of US Navy's Electronic Countermeasures Squadron Two (ECMRON-2 or VQ-2), later designated Fleet Air Reconnaissance Squadron Two (FAIRECONRON TWO or VQ-2) by Angelo Romano and AMHC (AW) John D. Herndon, USN, Ret. is the second title of the new US NAVY SQUADRON HISTORIES by GINTER BOOKS. The photo coverage of the history of the Electric Bats, also known as the Rangers, is comprehensive, both in terms of photography and in terms of historical content.