Allied-Axis - The Photo Journal of the Second World War

Allied-Axis 33


The Photo Journal of the Second World War

The latest in this long-running series showcases the S35 SOMUA tanks in French and German Service; the British Sexton Self Propelled Gun; the German Horch 108 Heavy Car; the Char B1s in French and German Service, and the U.S. Quick-Way Crane and Coleman Tractor. Like others in the series, Allied-Axis 33 presents individual articles that are composed of large, clear historical photos that are often accompanied by contemporary walk-around images.

This issue features such a series with its article on the Sexton, which also includes beautifully reproduced stowage diagrams. Walk around photos also appear in the article on the S35. Perhaps the highlight of this installment are the full page wartime images depicting the interior of the Char B1s. ISBN: 978-1-944367-30-5.

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