Restoration Force: Grass Roots Preservation of Civilian and Military Aircraft by Enthusiasts Worldwide Paperback
We can all walk into any of the myriad aircraft museums dotted across the world and appreciate the wonderfully restored and preserved exhibits on display. But what about the many gems lovingly brought back to life and hiding away in people’s garages, sheds, barns and gardens?
With Gavin Hoffen’s book you become a privileged spectator into a dedicated but often secretive world – to protect their security, names, projects and locations have been limited to the very basics. This is the nostalgic domain of the amateur restorer, hobbyist, and ‘cockpiteer’ of which Gavin is one.
Here you will find complete coverage of over 20 projects worldwide with background histories of the aircraft, color photos of the restoration and full information and specifications – be it of cockpit, fuselage, or full aircraft. From Spitfire to Chipmunk, Vulcan to Buccaneer, Piper Aztec to B-52, this is a fascinating insight into an obsession with the romance that aviation once was. A must-see for every aircraft aficionado, and an inspiration for future preservers.