AFV Photo Album Vol.1. 2024 reprint
By the end of the war in May 1945 thousands of vehicles passed Czechoslovakian territory and are here presented in 224 pages with over 300 photos. It is an amazing collection of German, Russian, U.S. and British vehicles.
The majority of the book (approx 70%) presents German and Russian vehicles on Czechoslovakian territory in May 1945. Panther, Pz. IV, Tiger II, Jagdpanzer IV, Hetzer, Grille, SPWs, Hummel, StuGs and many more German vehicles are covered. Russian vehicles include T-34, IS-2, SU-85/100, SU-76, ISU-152 as well as soft-skins.
The book also contains a section on US vehicles such as Sherman, Hellcat, M8, and M5. Furthermore, sections covering Czech pre-war and post-war vehicles and the Soviet 1968 invasion of Czechoslovakia are also included. Colour profiles by Felipe Rodna. Hardcover. Czech/English text.
Book Data
Authors: Petr Dolezal, Marek Solár and Vladimír Kos
ISBN: 9789198842531
Language: English/Czech
Pages: 224
Photos: 300+ photos
Physical: Hardcover, 295x225mm, portrait