K5 Rail Gun : Krupp's WWII Behemoth
Anzio Annie, Anzio Express, "Leopold"; known by many names, the German 8 cm Kanone 5Eisenbahngeschütz(railway gun), commonly abbreviated K5(E), was the most successful and widely used of Germany's railway gun designs. Twenty-four of the weapons, capable of shelling England from positions in France, were built and were used by Germany on most of their fronts, including France, Italy, Russia, and Holland. The operation and use of these these fearsome weapons are presented through 80 period black-and-white photos. The vintage photos are supplemented by over 150 full-color photos of the only surviving examples, illustrating the nuances of the construction of these massive weapons.
A review of this book has been done by AMPS, and can be seen here on their website.
By David Doyle
Size:9.0in x 9.0in | Pages:128 | 265 color and b/w photos
Binding: Hardback