Panzer Tracts 16-1: Bergepanther
While researching Panzer Tracts No.16-1, the Panzer Tracts team made important discoveries.
The history of the Bergepanther was challenging to unravel: first, there was a lack of clarity in the original German documentation; second, the Allies were only interested in the vehicle equipped with the 40t winch and associated spade. Now, Panzer Tracts can reveal a much more complete story of the Bergepanther, which was essential to the functioning of Panther and Tiger units.
Besides the Ausf.A & G, they found three different versions converted from the turretless Pz.Kpfw.Panther chassis! Two were new vehicles, while the final one was rebuilt from large numbers of Panther Ausf.D in a previously undocumented factory. Between 25% and 30% of all Bergepanthers were turretless Panther chassis.
Hundreds of hours were spent measuring surviving vehicles and drawing at full-scale to create accurate as-built drawings. This 78-page Panzer Tracts book is the ultimate primary source reference on the Bergepanther, with 21 pages of 1:35 scale drawings and 80 clear, large-format photos, many of which are seen for the first time.
Furthermore, this book can be considered the best reference for 1:35 scale Bergepanther model kits.
ISBN: 9781915969026
Pages: 78
Photos: 80
Drawings: 21 pages of 1:35 scale drawings
Physical: Softcover, 280x215mm, portrait
Final Assembly
Significant Changes during Production
Experience Reports
Production and Development Recap
Reworked images for clarity and tonal quality
Two extra images
Refined layout
Table of Contents
Vertical title block on the covers
Perfect bound for durability