Panzer Tracts 20-1: Paper Panzers
For Panzer Tracts No.20-1: Paper Panzers, information from secret files and original drawings were used to create multiple new views of the super Pz.Kpfw.Löwe (Lion), gigantic 30.5cm Sfl. Bär (Bear), Jagdpanzer 38 D, makeshift 7.5cm L/70 VK 903 Sfl., revolutionary Porsche leichte Panzer Typ 245 and the mighty Maus II.
Many of these conceptual designs are revealed in detail for the first time. Data from original records tell the story of over 30 fascinating conceptual design projects-many never got off the drawing board, while others were almost completed for testing. This 60-page book documenting more than 30 Panzers is illustrated with 75 scale drawings.
ISBN: 9781915969040
Pages: 60
Photos: 7
Drawings: 79
Physical: Softcover, 280x215mm, portrait
VK 20 Series
Pz.Kpfw.III Ausf.K
4.Z.W. (Pz.Kpfw.III Ausf.E) Fahrgestell für 3./B.W. (Pz.Kpfw.IV Ausf.C)
Original 9./B.W. (Pz.Kpfw.IV Ausf.H)
Pz.Kpfw. auf Einheitsfahrgestell III/IV Ausf.A
Vereinfachter Turm für Pz.Kpfw.IV
Porsche Typ 245-010 le.Pz.Kpfw. mit 5.5cm vollautomatischer Waffe
Pz.Kpfw.VI H Ausf.H2
8.8cm Kw.K.43 L/71 in a modified Panther-Schmalturm
Pz.Kpfw. Tiger Ausf.P2 Porsche Typ 180
Pz.Kpfw.VII (VK 65.01)
‘Löwe’ Pz.Kpfw.VII (VK 70.01)
Pz.Kpfw.IV mit 7.5cm Stu.G.40
30.5cm L/16 auf Sfl. Bär
Schwerer kleiner Pz.Kpfw. mit 10.5cm
Rutscher Panzerkleinzerstörer
‘Hetzer’ Entwicklungsfahrzeug E 10
Entwicklungsfahrzeug E 25
Panzer IV lang (E)
Jagdpanzer 38 D
Krupp proposals to ‘umbewaffnung der Panzer’