Panzerwrecks 9: Italy 1
Panzerwrecks 9: Italy 1: What interior and exterior modifications did the Pz.Kpfw.III (Fl) have? Sd.Kfz.250/3 with ‘Kurbelmast’: Fact or fiction? Which German unit used the rare M41 90/53 801(i)? How do you drag a Tiger from a muddy riverbed? German troops used what as a ‘fort’ at Anzio? What unusual field mod did the Panzers of II./Pz.Rgt.2 have at Salerno? How were Panzers demolished by their crews?
The answers to these and other questions are found here in Panzerwrecks 9: Italy 1, with 137 rare and unpublished large-format photographs from around the world.
No of Photos: 137
No of Pages: 96
Physical: Softcover, 280x210mm, landscape
On the road to Pontedera
Pz.Kpfw.III (Fl) in focus
Taming the Tigers
Panther forts at Anzio