Axis Tanks & Tracked Military Vehicles

Warmachines No. 17 - Jagdpanzer IV/L/70 Paperback


This seventeenth installment in the popular Warmachines series provides a unique look at the WWII era German Jagdpanzer IV tank destroyer, as well as various other German vehicles and equipment. All of the full color photographs were taken in the field with careful attention paid to historical accuracy. Authenticity is maintained through the diligent efforts of WWII re-enactors decked out in full battle gear. Detail photographs are accompanied by personnel manning the various systems, giving a valuable insight into the workings of German military technology of WWII. Along with activities such as refuelling and reloading, details ranging from the internal fighting compartment, engine compartment, crew access, sighting equipment, armament, running gear, and more are revealed in fully restored vehicles. The re-enactors, decked out in full battle dress and demonstrating the application of the various weapons and equipment, give an added sense of historical authenticity.

This fascinating book will appeal to the scale modeler, as well as to historians and veterans.

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