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Commonwealth military vehicles

Conqueror Heavy Gun Tank Britain's Cold War Heavy Tank - Tankograd 9023

Sale Price:$26.95 Original Price:$28.95

The FV214 Conqueror heavy gun tank was developed and fielded by the British Army in the early years of the Cold War to counter the threat caused by Soviet heavy tanks such as the IS-3 and the T-10. If the Cold War had turned hot, the Conqueror would have served as a tank destroyer to knock out enemy armour at a range superior to that of the Centurion main battle tanks. 

This publication describes the development history, the technology, variants and the only eight year long in-service life of the Conqueror heavy gun tank. Also covered is the Conqueror armoured recovery vehicle.

Quantity Photos and Illustrations:
Illustrated with 12 colour photographs, 94 black&white photographs and 17 graphics
Text - Language:
English Text
Number of Pages:

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