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Commonwealth military vehicles

RAC Germany Armoured Vehicles of the Royal Armoured Corps during the Cold War in West Germany 1950-90 Tankograd 9039

Sale Price:$26.99 Original Price:$28.95

Almost 85 years ago, the Royal Armoured Corps (RAC) was formed and it can be found today in every theatre of operations of the British Army. One of the most important episodes in the RAC’s history was the deployment of units to West Germany during the Cold War in 1950-90. Still today tanks such as the Centurion, Conqueror, Chieftain and Challenger are recognised and honoured among experts in the field. 
This publication shows these icons of British tank design in impressive and often even dramatic exercise photographs taken during their duty with the British Army of the Rhine (BAOR). An additional chapter covers the wheeled armour of the armoured reconnaissance regiments of the RAC. 

Quantity Photos and Illustrations:
Illustrated throughout with 85 colour photos, 44 black&white photos and 7 graphics 
Text - Language:
English Text
Number of Pages:

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