Panzer Tracts 15-4: Final development of m.SPW
The first part of Panzer Tracts No.15-4 covers the ongoing development of the Sd.Kfz 251 with the objective of turning it into a suitable combat vehicle. By November 1941, a specification was issued for a fully tracked M.S.P. (Mittlerer Schützen Panzerwagen) to replace the Sd.Kfz.251 and designated ‘Kätzchen’ (Kitten). The result was a highly efficient fully-tracked carrier, but from the large number of original documents that we found, we gain a unique insight not only into the design and development of the Kätzchen but the trials and tribulations of developing a new armoured vehicle in the rapidly deteriorating war situation.
With 16 pages of 1:35, 1:20 and 1:10 scale CAD drawings of the HKp 6.03, Munition-und Mannschaftsträger am Fahrgestell 38 M, Kätzchen K1, Kätzchen K2, Kätzchen 38t, Auto-Union Aufklärer, m.S.P.W.(2cm)(Sd.Kfz.251/17), m.S.P.W.(2cm)(Sd.Kfz.251/17) Ausf.B Schwebelafette, m.S.P.W. (Uhu) (Sd.Kfz.251/20), Artillerie Beobachtungs Wagen (Sd.Kfz.251) and m.S.P.W.(7,5cm)(Sd.Kfz.251) AK7B84.
Parallel with the Kätzchen development, the war situation created a demand for solutions based on the readily available Sd.Kfz.251. Ongoing research led to the acquisition of new information that was not available when Panzer Tracts No.15-3 was published and allowed the accurate large-scale drawing of the 2cm Schwebelafette 38 for the Sd.Kfz.251/17 and other final Sd.Kfz.251 projects. Following Panzer Tracts’ high standards, the text and data are based solely on primary sources. 60 large, clean photos illustrate this ‘must have’ 60-page book.
Book Data
Authors: Hilary Doyle, Lukas Friedli & Thomas Jentz
ISBN: 9781915969088
Language: English
Pages: 76
Photos: 64
Drawings: 16 pages
Physical: Softcover, 280x215mm, portrait
The HK 6 Series
Auto-Union M.S.P & ‘Kätchen’
Auto-Union Aufklärungsfahrzeug (VKA) Proposal
B.M.M. Kätchen 38t
Mittlerer Schützenpanzerwagen (2cm) (Sd.Kfz.251/17) Ausf.A Hängelafette
Mittlerer Schützenpanzerwagen (2cm) (Sd.Kfz.251/17) Ausf.B Hängelafette
Mittlerer Schützenpanzerwagen (Uhu) (Sd.Kfz.251/20)
Mittlerer Schützenpanzerwagen (7,5cm) (Sd.Kfz.251/22) (AK 7 B 84)
Artillerie Panzer Beobachtungswagen
Mittlerer Schützenpanzerwagen (2cm Hängelafette) (Sd.Kfz.251/23)