Building Military Dioramas Vol. VII Paperback
This 7th installment in VP's popular Building Military Dioramas series features 10 new articles covering the art of making military dioramas & vignettes. Seven new articles from the workshops at VP studios include Liberation, set in a peaceful French town, Tea Time (D-Day+) Panzer III Tank Turret Bunker, D-Day June 6th, 1944 featuring the gorgeous new LCM (3) from VP, Heart Surgery on a Stürmtiger, Bloody Tarawa, a new ready made diorama out-of-the-box, The Equalizer in the form of a Pershing tank compared to a German Panther, and Short Break, Normandy 1944 with another Panther tank. Greg Cihlar is back again with 2 new WWII themes, including Lets Go with a wrecked U.S. Halftrack, and Panic set around a Panther turret pillbox at the end of WWII. Young Jin Won returns with another masterful vignette, entitled Battlefield, Stalingrad, 1943 with a wrecked Kübelwagen. This latest book again promises to inspire & amaze both novice and expert modelers, as well as non-modelers.