The 31st Fighter Group in World War II - Aircraft Special (SS6180)
Although it received little publicity in WWII, the USAAF's 31st Fighter Group had an outstanding record, flying Spitfires and Mustangs in the 8th, 12th and 15th Air Forces. Entering the war as the first American Fighter Group to participate in the European Theater of Operations, the 31st FG ended the war as the top scoring Allied fighter group in the Mediterranean Theater of Operations and the fifth highest overall for the USAAF with 570 1/2 confirmed aerial victories. It chalked up a number of 'firsts', including the first American FG to land in Algeria, first American FG to be based on Sicily and first American FG to be based on Malta. Approximately 200 b/w photos, line drawings and 40 color profiles; 80 pages.