Russian and Soviet ground vehicles
Red Machines 1: T-60 Small Tank & Variants Hardcover
T-60 Small Tank & Variants is the first in a new series from Canfora Design and Publishing. The book covers this often overlooked light AFV from planning to production to combat and beyond. The T-60 formed the basis of many variants; anti-aircraft, rocket artillery and even a flying tank! All of these vehicles are described fully in text and images, providing top-notch inspiration for modellers. Quick stats: 176 pages, 250+ photos, eight colour profiles & 8 drawings.
Book Data
Authors: James Kinnear & Yuri Pasholok
ISBN: 9789198232561
Language: English
Pages: 176
Photos: 250+
Colour Profiles: 8
Drawings: 8
Physical: Hardcover, 280x210mm, portrait