US military vehicles

U.S. Army Vehicle Markings 1944 Hardcover

Sale Price:$29.99 Original Price:$37.95

Everyone is familiar with the iconic WWII Jeep, its olive drab paintwork annotated with white letters, numbers and symbols. Unintelligible to the casual observer, these markings were integral to the organization of the U.S. Army on the move in 1944.

This uniquely detailed guide covers all the markings used on American tanks and tracked vehicles, lorries and jeeps to denote their unit and classification, plus tactical markings and the debarkation codes used in the Normandy landings. Hundreds of contemporary photographs are paired with precise color diagrams to show exactly how markings appeared on vehicles, including the exact measurements, and explain all the different variations in use. A final chapter covers the variations of camouflage used on vehicles.

The perfect hardbound reference book for modelers, collectors, and restorers of historic vehicles, and a fascinating guide to anyone wanting to use WWII photographs to aid their research.

Table of Contents

Lend-Lease vehicles
Communications: The Red Ball Express
The Organization of the U.S. Army
Common markings Unit markings

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