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US Military Vehicles - post WWII introduction

Cold War Warrior - M60/M60A1/A2/A3 The M60-Series of Main Battle Tanks in Cold War Exercises 1962-88 Tankograd 3030

Sale Price:$26.95 Original Price:$28.95

For many people the American M60 main battle tank is a crucial symbol of the Cold War period. No other NATO vehicle so heavily embodies the confrontation between East and West during these tough years. In the form of a journey through time, this publication looks at different variants of the M60 MBT in service with armoured units of the US Army, Army National Guard and US Marine Corps that deployed to Germany for exercises along the Iron Curtain and conducted training at German training areas between 1962 and 1988. This journey is impressively illustrated with a large number of hitherto unpublished material, particularly with many rare colour photographs.

Quantity Photos and Illustrations:
Illustrated with 85 colour photographs, 32 b&w photographs and three graphics
Text - Language:
English Text
Number of Pages:

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