US Military Vehicles - post WWII introduction
USMC Tracked Amphibious Vehicles: T46E1/M76 Otter, M116 Husky, LVTP5, and LVTP7/AAV7A1 (Legends of Warfare)
Sale Price:$22.49 Original Price:$24.99
Due to the specific nature of the Marine Corps' mission, the Marines has a acute need for amphibious vehicles. From the Vietnam War through today, the USMC has relied on four primary types of tracked amphibians: the T46E1/M76 Otter, M116 Husky, LVTP5, and LVTP7/AAV7A1. This new book provides a useful photographic overview of all these vehicles. More than 300 black-and-white and color photos make this a valuable resource for modelers, artists, and restoration experts.
144 pages, hardbound
A review of this book was published by the Armor Modeling and Preservation Society, and can be seen here.