C-130 Hercules in action - Aircraft No. 47 (SS1047)
With the C-130, the United States achieved global reach with its quick reaction forces. The change tis brought were swift and marked. The easy going peacetime Army of early 1956 and early 1957 disappeared under an avalanche of reorganization and the 130 airlifted CASF forces to Lebanon in 1958. Its record in the intervening years has been one long unbroken string of successes, in military, humanitarian and commercial endeavors. An excellent reference, which covers the design and developmental history of the C-130, including special operations, operations and gunship variants. Heavily illustrated with black-and-white photographs and multi-view line art drawings, detailed photo captions, and a centerfold containing 8 full color paintings with various markings and paint schemes.
By Lou Drendel