The guys at Vallejo have been releasing a lot of great color sets the last few years. They recently sent us a big package of samples.
Some of these are for airplanes, a topic we don't normally cover here. However, we were impressed by the completeness of the color sets so we're going to show them off anyway! All sets include 8 bottles of paint. Some of them have a really nice foldout pamphlet that serves as a user guide.
71.187, Old & New Wood Effects. This set comes with a pamphlet.
72.865, Game Air Face Painting. This set comes with a pamphlet as well. A note to figure painters- These are Model Air colors, so they are thinner than Model Color. This may be beneficial as applying thin layers of paint is integral to the acrylic flesh painting method.
Three new Luftwaffe color sets...
Each comes with a color guide, which looks really handy for those of us without knowledge of Luftwaffe color minutiae.
71.164, Luftwaffe Maritime & Tropical Colors.
71.165, Luftwaffe Colors Pre-War to 1941
71.166 Luftwaffe Colors 1945 to End-War
Two sets of Modern U.S. Military Aircraft...
71.155 U.S. Navy & USMC Colors from 70's to Present
71.156, USAF Colors "Gray Schemes" from 70's to Present