Coming Soon from Model Centrum

Armor Color Gallery #14: Camouflage & Markings of Commonwealth and Greek Armor in the Balkans Campaign April-May 1941

By Jeffrey Plowman

ISBN 978-83-60672-27-3

Published to coincide with the 75th Anniversary of the battle of Greece, this is an authoritative guide to the armor deployed by Commonwealth and Greek troops in continental Greece and in Crete. Covering wide variety of armored vehicles fielded by British 1st Armored Brigade HQ Squadron, 4th Queen’s Own Hussars, 3rd and 7th Royal Tank Regiments and 3rd King’s Own Hussars, 2nd New Zealand Division, 6th Australian Division and Greek 19th Motorized Division, this book includes many rare and never before published photos of early war British armored vehicles, with very detailed captions. Most of these photos would never see daylight without online markets. It includes: A10 and A13 Cruiser tanks, Matilda Infantry tanks, Vickers Light Mark IIIB and Light Mark VI tanks, Bren, Scout and Universal Carriers, and Marmon-Herrington Mark II armored cars. Contains: 72 pages, 148 b&/w photos and 24 full color plates of artwork.

Model Centrum PROGRES books are distributed by Casemate
